Monday, August 23, 2010

Socialism, Capitalism, Communism and Altruism

So many prisms of concepts, dogmas and belief systems that have propagated into our cultures and our societies for years together, and leaves a common man or a woman highly confused about taking a stand on either of these. However, one common denominator (a term that I often hear people saying) is that they are frameworks of thoughts created to realize the true freedom in our consciousness. No one knows if it ever creates such free souls except the person whos experiencing it. Often times, just like how standard communication, when it tries to penetrate several layers, could be distorted and end up sending wrong signals, such doctrines when set higher up by one man and followed by millions of people over several generations, can easily be misinterpreted and can start working against humankind.

Such is a state of corporate affairs and social affairs in some countries, where we all are bounded by some illusory social system governing our consciousness. How do we break out of this barrier and live free?! I recently read an article where this person said, Its no longer the fact that our consciousness is creating a social system, rather the social system is creating an automatic consciousness in us which if the system is wrongly designed and wrongly interpreted, can have serious repercussions and have undesirable feelings inside our valuable and innocent hearts.

We end up living a life caught up in these strings of unnecessary thoughts, harming our lives everyday. While we are all running our treadmill of our lives, trying to survival in this ever growing competition, sometimes its good to take a big Step back, wind back our clocks and start putting some real meaning to some of the things we do and improve the quality of our lives. Even basic things like work, relationships, our hobbies and some of our day - day activities are often done to pacify our inner conscience, but we often end up in stress and chaotic conditions and end up hurting ourselves more.

Back to my topic of what .....'Ism would you choose and why? I will start with the last one, Altruism - Have you heard this term offlate? - In this modern world it hardly exists and anyone who even tries to follow such a model would not be able to survive and will be beaten down to death - Socialism is a way of life where, there is collective responsibility in whatever you do and a fundamental belief that other lives are as equally valuable and respectable as one's own life and there must always be an equal sharing of space and time.

Capitalism and communism are much more serious in nature and have often times been very controversial. The very origin of capitalism frees a person's heart by not disregarding other people, but by removing the obligations one would normally feel in different circumstances and gives them a freedom to operate their life according to the "free-will", provided they do justice to their inner-selves(which often don't end up that way).

Communism aims for a classless and stateless society (wikipedia) where all decisions are made for the common good and for the community.

It does not matter which one you are strongly inclined to, but we need to understand the fundamentals of these idealogies in order to feel the freedom some of these thoughts can bring to oneself and people around, and sustain a very healthy life that can bring peace and happiness. Its easy to form a bond, but its highly tough to break it. So forming good thoughts lead to good feelings and we can only say that bad feelings are formed because of the bad framework of our minds.

Life is a phenomenon that can bring you all the wonders or can put you in dangerous conditions you would not like to be. The journey is what we encounter, but whats important is to navigate it in the right path, with adequate intelligence that will bring a lot of safety and protection and a never ending willingness to extend help to people who might be in need.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Innovation, creativity & discovery

What is the fine line of difference between these concepts which we love the most? –Innovation is an art of inventing something new around things which exist. Creativity is a skill which helps you create new ideas and discovery is a process of finding something new which no one else has seen before. Often times, these terms are not related and used in totally different contexts although if you look closely about what the output is, its always a special element that we produce out of that process which makes it all the more better. Think about real world examples:

A - Innovation –Having a security camera in your Iphone which you can see anywhere around the world through the web.

B – Creativity – Come up with vivid images of mountains, lakes and houses all blended with amazing colors that are so pleasing to the eye – so deeply meaningful that we see the creativity in our eyes.

C-Discovery – Music – It was a discovery however it might have originated – its now a revolution that has taken hold of humankind in every corner of the planet –

Just as we see these examples we could relate to these terms in terms of the scale of impact that it can have. We call it a discovery when the whole world can relate to it in the physical sense of reality – We call it creativity even when only one individual can see it and feel its divine nature and we can call so many things happening in our daily lives as innovations!

It makes us feel good to even talk about these things, because we all have innate abilities to create something new and experiencing the joy of seeing it and bringing it to the world cannot be matched with anything else. For example, take airplanes for example, until the 19th century nobody even could imagine flying to different places as easily as we could. People were in blind spots not knowing how something like that could be achieved. But once the discovery was made, people came up with their own innovations in that space using their creativity. Unfortunately due to power struggle and never ending greed of human beings to acquire territories not belonging to them or owned by them and lack of human empathy, wars resulted and this technology was massively abused and apparently became the reason to kill so many innocent lives around the world. Not to drift away from our happy subject, The whole world is a creation of our inner thoughts, what you see outside is what is inside you – Take all the industries we are operating on, technology, finance, manufacturing, mechanical, civil etc, all of the areas are pure creation of people in the past centuries trying to realize their inner feelings. Does it mean that we are born with these infinite possibilities that we have not even imagined before? Yes.
Just as we see in the real world where there is this one planet with full of life. Surrounded by infinite space that we are yet to explore, we all live our daily lives with our inner conscience as this planet offering everything we need in life, but once we step into zones inside us, there is a limitless space which cannot be even imagined how large it is.

Once we tap into that space, we can discover things that could not even be imagined For example, in future you may not need a Telephone to communicate with each other when you are long distance. There might be a frequency in space that if we closely listen to, we could hear anyone talking in the other part of the country. Well, immediately our minds would shut this thought out thinking that its pure imagination and cannot exist in real world. But when you add a physical medium to support your idea, it is quite possible. Any concept is possible when you put a physical medium to it. The whole world needs to look at elimination of physical elements to achieve our goals that will definitely conserve our environments a lot better.

Something to chew on for the day - As your clock ticks try and find ways to think differently.